Port Brownies
The next time you bake a brownie mix, replace the amount of water called for with a bright, young ruby Port. We baked these brownies in an 8” round pan lined with lightly oiled parchment paper and topped with chopped walnuts. It helps to chill them for about an hour before slicing into wedges. You will be amazed at how the small addition of port enhances the chocolate flavor. You may never want to make plain brownies again.
Cranberries with Figs and port
This recipe makes about 3 cups of a thick, jammy sauce that our family has been enjoying for years. It keeps very well, so you can make it a week in advance or even can it to give as a gift- if you’re a home canning person.
Port Fudge sauce
How to make it:
In a small sauce pan combine 1/4 cup heavy cream, 4 oz. semisweet chocolate, 1/2 cup ruby Port, and melt together over low heat. Stir until smooth. It firms up a little when it hits cold ice cream. Makes enough for four small sundaes. You can save any you have left over and melt it again another dae. (sic)