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Port for bottling

Top quality ports often take three to seven years to reach maturity for sale.  However, our young ports are excellent right now as bright ruby style ports.  We also now have a non-vintage aged tawny style port available for sale. A relatively small amount of port can begin a successful program for your tasting room.

Add a high level image product to your tasting offerings.  Because of the rarity of fully mature port varietal vineyards and scarcity of top quality port, these products command the highest prices.

Buy port by the barrel for your own aging program and start your own bottled port project.  The ROI on even a single barrel is considerable.

Or, let Madera Port Works help you start a Growler Program that will be an instant hit -  and, is a great reason for tasting room visitors to return (often).  Port's unique properties work very well with simple, traditional-style tapped barrels.  No need for bottling with this unique opportunity.  We'll help you get started and provide you with a variety of ports to keep it interesting.